Botanicals and Boffins – Where science meets art - Ginposium 2017

Matthew Pauley

What improvements can be made to gin by the technical application of science and the latest research?


  • What improvements can be made to Processes?
  • What can we measure in order to ensure our activities remain significant?
    • Material Intake and Control
    • Standardised Procedure /Process Control
    • Botanical Selection and Recipe Formulation
  • How best to measure and control what goes on in your still?
  • Collected data is hugely powerful
    • Can be used passively to monitor values for record keeping
    • Can also be used to control the system within a set parameter.
  • Botanicals
  • Ascertain the chemical constituents of each botanical by distilling them in isolation at gin recipe concentrations.
    • Analyse the interplay of botanicals with juniper.
    • Use the chemicals found in the botanicals as a shopping list to find the same and similar in new botanicals.
    • Build complexity.


Matthew Pauley BSc (Hons)
Assistant Professor
International Centre for Brewing and Distilling
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
John Muir Building G2
Heriot-Watt University
Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS Scotland, UK
Landline 0131-4513017